Starting from:


Blaire Hair + Ears

FBX format - quad mesh

Hair: 6454 Faces | 12908 Tris (12956 with barrettes) | 110 Bones

Ears: 4396 Faces | 8792 Tris (4200 Tris without piercings) | 15 Bones


Hair has 3 UV maps:

 - UV0 - Standard hair textures (UV'd to work with my split textures)

 - UV1 - Cicieaaa's hair cards w/alpha

 - UV2 - AO map (included)


Ears come in black and white textures with 2 alpha maps, one for just the ear fluff and one that includes the hole piercing. Normal and all baked maps included.


Includes Unity project with prefabs for materials and PhysBone setup.




*Included in previews: CiCi's Type 3 head