Starting from:


Seven Witches

Seven hats for seven witches. You can never have enough witch hats.

Each hat can be purchased individually, or if you grab the set, you save $10.

Hat 1
4540 Faces | 9080 Tris

13 Bones

Hanging beads are rigged. Hat itself is rigged to Head bone.

Comes in plain black, and the lunar motif.

Hat 2

2408 Faces | 4816 Tris

4 Bones

Dangling moon is rigged. Hat rigged to head bone.

Comes in black, white, and grey. Lace trim requires transparency (*will not work with Quest). Moon is a separate material.

Hat 3

2978 Faces | 5952 Tris

6 Bones

Folded brim sides are rigged as well as the tip of the hat. Hat itself rigged to Head bone.

Comes in black, black galaxy (with star emission), white, white multicolor

Hat 4

4952 Faces | 9904 Tris

6 Bones

Curl at the tip of the hat rigged. Hat rigged to Head bone.

Comes in black, grey, taupe, and white. The metallic vine & leaves are a separate material.

Hat 5

2156 Faces | 4312 Tris

1 Bone

Hat rigged to head bone - no additional rigging

Hat comes in the color in the preview but has a hue shift mask to shift the ribbon, bow and the details in the fabric of the hat. There are currently 3 overlays for the cards: The Star & The High Priestess, Ace of Cups & The Magician, and a Joker and Ace of Clubs

Hat 6

1488 Faces | 2976 Tris

1 Bone

Rigged to head bone - no additional rigging

Comes in light grey, dark grey, blue, green, teal, purple, red, orange, and pink - all with black straps. Metal buckle is a separate material.

Hat 7

6526 Faces | 13052 Tris

7 Bones

Tip of hat rigged. Hat rigged to head bone.

Comes in black and white. Lace trim requires transparency (*will not work with Quest).



* Hair shown is a mashup of Bria Hair by Saikura and Pop Hair by APYR - edited by me.

* Head shown is by me and not released yet.